4 Ways to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

A recent blog post from the Harvard Business Review questioned whether people can really improve their Emotional Intelligence. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic wrote our emotional intelligence is relatively stable, but not rigid. He notes change requires “a great deal of dedication and patience.”

What are we talking about here? Emotional intelligence describes a person’s ability to understand her own emotions and the emotions of others. Insights from emotional IQ are useful for improving all professional and personal relationships. Quite simply, you make better decisions when regularly considering this information.

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Here are four tips to help you improve your emotional intelligence with the recognition that change takes time:

1. Become a better listener. A big mistake people often make in the business world is thinking about what they want to say next instead of listening to other participants in a conversation. If you tune in to others, you will catch important clues about their emotions and choose more appropriate responses.

2. Acknowledge your weaknesses. According to the Four Branch Model of Emotional Intelligence (Mayer and Salovey, 1997), emotional intelligence involves the abilities to accurately perceive your emotions and those of others, use emotions to guide thinking, understand emotional meanings, and manage your own emotions. You may be weaker in one or more of these four areas.

3. Set a goal. You are going to increase your emotional intelligence by setting a personal goal and taking incremental steps to reaching it. If you know you need to focus on understanding emotional meanings, you can work with a professional to recognize the signs people give you. Stopping to think about emotional meanings can help you avoid many difficult situations.

4. Improve by up to 25% by following a well-designed coaching program. Chamorro-Premuzic noted working with an executive and business coach can help you make improvements in your emotional intelligence. Ensure you are working with a coach who is giving you the right feedback.

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Four Ways to Increase Your Productivity

Increase your productivity at the office with these easy tips for getting things done at work.

The Labor Department announced that U.S.productivity fell 1.7 percent for the first quarter of 2014,  making it a current hot topic in business. While company-wide productivity takes time to see results, here are few things that you can start doing today to improve your own:

Make Lists

Too many ideas and and tasks that need to be completed consumes your thoughts and therefore reduces productivity. Keeping a tool close at hand to write down ideas or to-do list items helps your brain associate that the item has been acknowledged and provides focus. Mobile note-taking or list apps, Google reminders, a personal notebook or even a tried and true paper To-Do list will suffice. Find the method that works for you and watch as your productivity increases.

Prioritize  First-Things-First-Quadrant-Steven-Covey-Time-Management

When confronted with a long to-do list or tackling a project, prioritize the tasks by putting them in order of importance. Remember the old saying that things that are urgent are not always important. Productivity is not just about getting lots of things done quickly. The tasks that are completed need to be important enough to move the task, project, or company ahead on a regular basis.


Identify employees’ strengths and use those to your advantage. Assign tasks that others can accomplish more efficiently, as well as tasks that prevent you from focusing on more important things at hand. Delegating ensures that projects are being worked on and moved ahead on schedule, and allows employees to feel a sense of ownership over the success of the company.

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Resist the urge to multi-task. Set a timer for a certain amount of time to work before checking email or making a phone call. These potential time suckers will steal your attention and reduce productivity while working. Hop off the hamster wheel and laser in on the task at hand.


What’s YOUR go to method for tackling the to-do list? Please share in the comments!

Contact us to determine how you can become more productive in the workplace and make every step count.