Small Changes Big Results Ripple Effect photo Shannon Cassidy

Small Changes, Big Results

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” – Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa knew that change very rarely happens in big swooping gestures, but in smaller movements, often personal decisions. As a leader, you have the chance to make changes that could produce big results. But to be highly effective, those changes need to small and intentional.

Here are five small changes you can make that can lead to big results.

  1. Learn Something Every Day. The more you know, they healthier you tend to be. Reading articles online will grow your knowledge over time. Warren Buffet, one of the richest people in the world, is said to read over 500 pages a day just to learn. If you aren’t a reader, listen to books on tape or podcasts. This small change can add up to big results in your brain power and can also reverse any downward spirals in your thinking abilities.
  2. Do Something New. Sometimes work can feel like a rut or a grind and you might crave a change. Instead of making a big change like a new job, make a small change. Switch up your schedule. If you eat every day at the same time, try eating 30 minutes sooner or later. Try a new perfume or cologne. Fresh smells can create innovative sensory experiences which can make your day or week feel brand new.
  3. Bring Playfulness Into Your Day. Remember when you were 9 years old? What did you like to do? Try doing it again. Find a park and whizz down a slide or swing for a while. Maybe throw a football around or bake a cake from a recipe your mom always used. This kind of small change can slow down your life for a bit and hit reset. After recharging, your child-like energy will help you tackle your work in a new way.
  4. Change Your Speed-Dial List. If you have a top ten list on your phone that are made up of business-related people, maybe it’s time to reevaluate that list. Business situations change, so it is important to reevaluate your business priorities. Every time you look at what is important in your life, even if you only make small changes, you naturally reset your vision for your work or life, which usually results in positive growth.
  5. Change Your Surroundings. Your office often reflects who you are and where you have been. It might even reflect where you are going. If you want to grow, it is important to change your office. Life is full of adjustments and compromises and your office can be a vital reminder to you to move toward your goals.

The opportunities of a new path are open to you, but you must move forward in focus. Making these small changes can increase your focus and productivity. Like Mother Teresa, if you cast those stones across the water making small changes in your life, the results will creative positive ripples throughout your life.



6 Small Changes to Becoming Your Best Self

Need a change? Lacking inspiration? Not living to your full potential?  Drastic changes may not be necessary for this to happen. Being a more awesome version of yourself is entirely within reach.  Simply make these few, small changes and watch your perspective change, your personal contentment increase, and your self-satisfaction grow.


  1. Start each day with gratitude.

It is easy to wake up and start the day’s rush and worry from the second we roll out of bed.  Too often we begin our days brushing our teeth to the noise of discouraging morning newscasts, and showering as we mentally list the conflicts, meetings, or “same-ole, same-ole’” we are about to face.  We begin focusing on what is wrong, rather than what is really, really good.  This is the first change we need to make. Before even allowing negativity to enter your mind, begin each morning by filling your head with one new thing that you are thankful for.  Write it down and reflect on it throughout the day.  Considering one new blessing each day causes a shift in mood and attitude, as well as a happier and better you.

  1. Accomplish something small.

No matter how small, choose to accomplish something each day.  Be it making your bed, taking a jog, or adding vegetables to a meal, set a small goal that will fuel your sense of making a change for the better.  Once you begin to develop this new habit, it will become a part of your lifestyle and encourage more small accomplishments. Putting this into practice makes you begin to radiate accomplishment because conquering even the smallest of tasks reminds you that you have more control over your life than you tend to give yourself credit.

  1. Let it go.

Everyone, at some point, has that nagging conflict, that relationship mishap, or that irritating client that eats up their thoughts and energy.  Ironically, however, the person who is the cause of the frustrating thoughts (the frustrater) doesn’t spend a fraction of time giving energy to that which consumes the frustrated.  If you have conflict that is consuming you, LET IT GO!  Don’t waste your energy on what can’t be fixed, nor on what won’t make you a better you.  Flush it out of your system and put that energy into being a more awesome version of yourself.

let it go balloon release

     4. Talk … and listen.  

Go out of your way to make more positive human interaction happen.  Stop and talk to people – ask the Starbucks barista or the bank teller about her life.  Make lunch conversation with the co-worker you haven’t reached out to.  Take a few minutes out of each day to make meaningful conversation and remind people in the universe that they matter.  And listen to them! You will be surprised at how good it feels to make others smile when someone takes time to care for them.  You’ll also find that you learn a lot by listening.  Even more, your burdens will lighten as you begin to by habitually consider others… and you might even make a connection that will change your life because of it.

  1. Take responsibility.

If you are unhappy with something in your life, refuse to play the blame-game.  Look at what you can do in your power to change what you can.  Each day, take a few minutes to consider what you don’t like, what you’ve messed up, what is mediocre, as well as what you’ve done really, really well – and own it.  People will trust you more, and you will empower yourself when you recognize what you have done to put yourself where are.  You’ll also, again, realize that you are much more in control of your life than you have given yourself credit, and you’ll uncover motivation to become a more powerful version of yourself.

  1. Try something new.

Nothing will inspire more change and betterment than when you actually take a step outside of your normal.  Make a list of both small and huge aspirations that you might want to try.  It could be eating at a new restaurant, it could be taking a French class, it could be mentoring a kid, or it could be signing up for a triathlon.  You might find yourself in uncomfortable or awkward situations at times, or you might even find that you have discovered a new thrill.  Nonetheless, by challenging yourself, you will experience personal growth, and you will discover more personal strengths than you imagined you had.

Life is too short to be less than awesome.  You have the power to be the best you there is, and the road to your best can start with small changes today.  What small changes will you make?  How can we help?  Contact us today and let’s make this next year your best ever.

4 Examples of Small Changes to Inspire You

The best things in life are free.  This is a proverb you might have heard.  You may even have experienced it yourself.  Sometimes, happiness strikes you at the oddest times—when you’re shopping for little things, writing a letter or taking a walk during the first snowfall of the season.

These are the times when you feel like you’ve stepped out of your life.  You’re on vacation from yourself, so to speak.  You’re not thinking about any of the usual things.  In fact, your mind is probably a blank.

Is there a way to incorporate more of these joyful moments into your life, either at work or at home?  Being completely happy, even for a few minutes a day, can help to improve your overall sense of well-being.  Think about making the following small changes for overall big results in happiness:

  • Take a walk.  During a walk, you’re focused on the physical activity and on getting from one place to another.  So you can let your mind wander and just take in the things around you.  It helps if you take a walk somewhere pretty, like a park or a waterfront.  Why not do this during your lunch break or in the evening, after work?
  • Get some light.  Getting a bit of natural light during the day can also brighten your mood.  Sit near a window if you can or go for a walk or a run.
  • Buy yourself some flowers.  Why wait for someone to give you flowers when you can buy them yourself and keep them on your desk?  Anytime you need a moment, you can always turn your eyes from your computer to your vase.
  • Incorporate some art.  Making art can be really therapeutic and looking at a work of art can help you step out of yourself and go to a different destination.  So try either of the two.  A calendar with artwork will be a practical and pretty addition to your work desk.

pink flowers vase small touch office

What’s one simple thing you do – just for you – to bring a little joy into your life?

Contact us for more information about small changes that result in big impact tailored for you.

Six Surprising Facts How Small Changes Lead to Big Results

You may be surprised at just how effective small changes can be in leading to big results.

Here are six reasons why you don’t have to start big to achieve big things.

 5 degree Shannon quote

  • Big steps can seem overwhelming: Beginning your journey with small steps makes it is easier to get started.  Since getting started on a big task usually seems to be the most difficult part, starting small will help you in the long run.
  • Small goals are more attainable: While small goals may seem insignificant, they are also easier to achieve.  Once you’ve started achieving small goals, you will be more motivated to continue.
  • It’s gratifying to achieve many small accomplishments: A sense of accomplishment helps you feel better about yourself.  This makes it easier to move on to the next step toward achieving all of your goals.
  • Small things add up over time: If you accomplish one small goal 3-4 times a week, over the course of a month you will have reached an average of 14 mini goals.  This is quite an accomplishment considering it all started with something that seemed insignificant at the time.
  • It’s easier to procrastinate when it comes to difficult tasks: It’s much easier to put off doing tasks that seem too big and complicated.  When something seems overwhelming, most of the time it just seems easier to not even try.
  • It’s harder to make excuses for not doing small tasks: Starting with small steps makes it harder to justify putting them off.  Knowing that you only have to put a few minutes towards reaching your goal gives you very little excuses for not doing it.

For help in getting started on your five degree shifts, contact us.  We look forward to hearing from you!