4 Leadership Tips Regardless of Your Title

You don’t have to be a supervisor to be a leader.  Neither do you have to be in a very high position within a company.  The best leaders are the ones who started leading even though they weren’t told to do so.  If you take the initiative and assume responsibility, you will be appreciated even if your job doesn’t require you to do so.  You may soon find yourself moving up the ranks.

leadership not a title is action example

Here are a few tips for leaders:

  1. Express Your Opinion.  This is a key part of being a leader. Have something important to contribute to your team? Let the higher ups know. Speak up at meetings or prepare a proposal so that your ideas get heard.
  2. Follow Through.  It’s not enough to just tell people your ideas. If they agree that your ideas are worth pursuing, you’re going to have to be the person who follows through with the suggestions. You may be tasked with putting together a team, approaching clients or drafting letters and preparing spreadsheets. Keep in mind that following through is as important as having the idea.
  3. Maintaining Your Team’s Morale.  It’s rare to find a workplace where there are absolutely no problems. People are always going to have some complaints or feel discouraged from time to time. As a leader, you have to learn to manage people so that they keep on going. Keep in mind that rewards work better than punishments. Reward your team with praise and small tokens of appreciation from the company.
  4. Be a Role Model.  As Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Want your team to be punctual? Come to the office on time. Want them to be enthusiastic? Stop complaining. Want them to communicate well? Take the time to talk to them about what’s going on.

Contact us for more tips on becoming a better leader in the workplace.

Three Ways To Develop Your Job Strengths

Literally billions of people all throughout this planet trudge away at jobs that they don’t care for just to try to make a living. They do not push themselves to be better, they just settle for treading water and not really making any impact on their own lives or the lives of others. It is sad to see this happen so often, but it does. If you want to break out of that mold, you need to think to yourself “how can I develop my job strengths?”.

Child Clark Kent Small Changes BB Watermark

Show Your Ability To Change

One of the attributes you’ll want to show in the office is the ability to change. This is good not only for your own enjoyment at work, but also for your prospects of being promoted. Companies look for people who are willing to put in the time and effort necessary to succeed. Take a look at what Forbes.com has to say about the ability to change:

You must be able to show the ability to evolve your thinking and the capacity to expand your skill sets. The old ways of being good at something and never expanding your abilities are over. You must work twice as hard to illustrate your capacity for growth – this will require you to invest in yourself and your know-how more than ever before.

Find Peace In Your Daily Work

How are you productive and contributing to the world even in your daily work? Strive to find peace in the work that you do on a daily basis. Discover how your efforts make the world a better place for someone else. A bumper sticker quote I like to keep in mind:

“Enthusiasm is contagious. Start an epidemic.”

Realize That Work Isn’t Everything

One of the best things that you can do to improve your mental health is to discover your interests. There are a lot of things that are far more vital than the amount of hours you put into work. Think about activities, discussion topics, areas of study, products, services and hobbies you find most interesting.

Contact us for more ideas on how to find purpose in your work life.