Celebrating Leadership through Women’s History Month

Eleanor Roosevelt first lady quote


Women’s History Month celebrates the contribution of women to culture and society, and has been observed in the United States annually throughout the month of March since 1987.

From fighting for the right to vote, to being appointed as a United States Supreme Court judge, to pitching a winning game in the Little League World Series, our country has a strong foundation of women who persevere. Women who show up over and over again to fight for their sisters and make a difference for our gender with great resolve.

Women of the Past

Eleanor Roosevelt is a favorite from days gone by. Despite her less than picture perfect past, she stayed true to her passion for social justice. Mrs. Roosevelt utilized her position as the longest-serving First Lady of our country to fight for women’s causes near and dear to her heart. Eleanor used her newspaper column “My Day” to address key events and controversial topics. She was able to reach millions across America with her views on social and political issues, current and historical events, and her private and public life. [American Experience: Eleanor Roosevelt]

Enjoy a small selection of her meaningful quotes:

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ― Eleanor RooseveltThis is My Story

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” ― Eleanor RooseveltYou Learn by Living: Eleven Keys for a More Fulfilling Life

How has a first lady inspired you? Please share ‘who’ in the comments.

Earlier this year, the White House released an article filled with rich history of women who have made a difference in science.

Listen to women from across the Administration tell the stories of their personal heroes across the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). What a fascinating message of tenacity and drive! From breaking sound barriers to breaking gender barriers and all sorts of barriers in between, how thrilling to honor their legacy by sharing their stories.

Women of the Present

There are several present day women who are making an impact on our lives. Think about those women in your circles – your mentors, your balcony people – what characteristics do you see portrayed over and over again?

One organization to follow is WOW! Work of Women, who is dedicated to making positive changes in women’s lives by empowering and mobilizing females around the world. This organization is committed to changing the world one woman at a time.

Susan Chambers tells us WOW! is a grassroots chain, and when we make a difference in the life of one woman there is a ripple effect. Be sure to follow their story – consider it time well spent learning about and supporting this fantastic program!

Samantha Ettus recently wrote a piece for Forbes that covered lots of motivating quotes from one hundred women. Each of these messages are powerful in their own right and together will cause quite a stir. I ask you to join me and read this list of Inspiring Quotes from 100 Extraordinary Women and think about which two stand out to you. I’ll share mine as well.

Usually one up for excitement, Tina Fey’s imagery struck a chord with me:

“You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the waterslide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.” – Tina Fey

Another quote which jumped off the page as I was reading:

“Hold your head and your standards high even as people or circumstances try to pull you down.” – Tory Johnson

Let’s use our innate grit and resolve to go out and do powerful things.

As women, we can have the loftiest of aspirations. A wish list, a someday dream, a desire to do contribute to a greater good. The proof in the pudding is the action. Do something. Get fired up about a situation. Fight for what you believe in and for what you believe to be true. Say it, think it, but do something. 

When you want to move forward in life, you’ve got to take that first step.

Picture yourself on a basketball court trying to make a shot. If you’re too far out and just shoot, the likelihood of you making it is slim. What happens when you move forward? You have a better shot at making it. Give yourself the utmost advantage and line up by taking that first step.

Women of the Future

As we’re looking at women of the past and present, let us not forget the women of our future. How are your words, actions, and impact playing out in a young girl’s life?

Are you showing her a steadfast resolve in making a difference in her community? Encouraging risks in her education and career? Cheering her on for creativity shown when participating in the school science fair? Infusing words of bravery and courage for performing in the elementary talent show? Sharing time with a teenager who is trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up? Mentoring a young woman starting out in the workforce?

Think back to your childhood, then adolescence, then young adulthood. Who inspired you and how can you pass that on? Looking back with the gift of experience that comes from time and age, what role models would you have wished to have? Be that for the younger generation. Impact the future by giving of yourself in the present with sharing your knowledge of the past.

Let’s work together to support others young, old, and in between to continue changing the future like a girl.

What woman do you know who’s really dedicating her life to helping others? 

I’d love to hear in the comments. Know what would be even better? Tell her. Send her a note of thanks and appreciation for the mark she’s made in your life and how she’s impacted you.