What does your V.I.B.E. say about you as a Leader?

Leadership is challenging. Successful leaders recognize that what’s beneath the surface of themselves and others is more relevant to success than what’s on the outside. To truly understand what makes us tick, we must be willing to explore the deeper levels of human awareness. The journey of self-exploration has four hidden elements. They can be described as your Leadership V.I.B.E. Your V.I.B.E (Values, Interests, Beliefs and Energy sources) is the way you come across to others.

The four hidden elements that convey true character in the workplace

Leadership is challenging. Successful leaders recognize that what’s beneath the surface of themselves and others is more relevant to success than what’s on the outside. To truly understand what makes us tick, we must be willing to explore the deeper levels of human awareness. The journey of self-exploration has four hidden elements. They can be described as your Leadership V.I.B.E.

Your V.I.B.E (Values, Interests, Beliefs and Energy sources) is the way you come across to others. Understanding it will help you be a better leader.A Gallup report from 2012 showed that less than one-third of Americans felt engaged in the workplace. At the same time, more than 50% of working Americans report that they are completely satisfied or very satisfied with their work. This means that most individuals feel disengaged, yet the majority is nonetheless pleased, i.e. happy with the work that they do. There is a disconnect between involvement and fulfillment, between achievement and personal growth. This gap can be bridged with the V.I.B.E. of workplace leaders and management.

What is your workplace V.I.B.E. saying to others?

1. You have strong values. The “V” in V.I.B.E. is your values. Values are the reasons behind why you do what you do. Your values uniquely define what you stand for and represent. The two main reasons it’s essential to know your values: 1. They are the foundation of your leadership style and 2. Your values are your Achilles heel. They are the inverse of things that disturb and trigger you most. Know your values and be cautious about how you protect them. Take some time now to explore your values with our unique V.I.B.E. worksheet pages found to the left.

2. You enjoy what you do. Loving your job is not a requirement, but great leaders are individuals who have a serious passion for their work. Showing that you are interested in what you’re working on and who you’re working with has the power to both energize and motivate. Channel your passion and skills. Your work is likely the I in V.I.B.E. for you – your interests.

3. You are tough. It’s crucial to be responsive to the needs of your team and hold them accountable. By standing firm behind your decisions, you show that you have faith in your abilities and of those of your team. The B in V.I.B.E. stands for the beliefs you have about yourself. Perhaps yours include: I am powerful, I am assertive, I am accountable. These statements affirm your mental toughness. For example, how you react when being criticized says a lot about your strength and resilience.

4. You have high standards. Your V.I.B.E. is fuel that raises your standards. It raises your energy. The “E” in V.I.B.E. stands for energy sources. Leaders express both an internal and external desire for excellence. Excellence requires energy. Time and energy are the two essential resources expended each day. How you manage and recover energy is the differentiator of leadership strength since it’s the only resource that can be expanded or enlarged.

Your V.I.B.E.is where innovation, brilliance, and vibrancy originate. Understanding its aspects allows you to be a greater, more effective leader. Learn more about yourself. Keep trying new things. Combining your passions with your skills will empower and maximize your potential.

Look at areas where you’ve been holding back. What elements of your V.I.B.E could shine through more? Examine where you could be bolder. Acknowledge the strengths of your leadership style. Actively use your V.I.B.E. to positively influence those you work with and align with your own professional goals. Consider why your team should be led by you. What do you bring to the table as a leader or manager? What brings out your best?

“This life is yours. Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well…No one else can do it for you. Take the power to make your life happy.” – Unknown

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